Proposal of a Model Setup for Verification of the Origin of High Frequency Motion in Soil

  • CPCI-S
作者: Kowalczyk, Piotr
通讯作者: Kowalczyk, P
作者机构: Univ Trento Italy, Trento, Italy.
通讯机构: Univ Trento Italy, Trento, Italy.
语种: 英文
关键词: Finite element modelling,Soil-structure interaction,Hypoplasticity,High frequency,Elastic waves,Wave propagation
期刊: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering
ISSN: 2366-2557
年: 2023
卷: 305
页码: 383-391
会议名称: 5th International Conference on New Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICNDSMGE-ZM)
会议时间: JUN 30-JUL 02, 2022
摘要: High frequency components of motion are typically measured in laboratory tests on shaking tables when investigating the dynamic response of soil subjected to harmonic excitation. The source of these high frequency components is often thought to be related to uncertainties of experimental setups. In contrast, a group of numerical and theoretical research works suggested potential physical explanations to high frequency components of motion as related to soil mechanical behavior including soil fluidization, cyclic mobility, pounding or unloading elastic waves. This paper presents a finite element numerical study of an example model setup designed to verify the origin of hig...
